Historic Sites

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Rose Garden Mural

Historic Site #:01-096   (Exists)   Type: J1 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Rose Garden MuralGPS Coordinates:43.047418, -77.095285
Address:71 North Main Street Newark NY under Rt 88 Bridge at Erie Canal
Painted by team led by Mark DeCracker & James Zeger during the summer of 2018.

Photo by Mark DeCracker, 2018
Historic narrative:

Coming up roses

This mural depicts the old rose gardens that were on a 17-acre space on South Main Street. They were owned and maintained by Jackson and Perkins, a 135-year-old producer of roses that was founded in Newark, but left for the West Coast in the early 1970s.

The impressionistic style of the mural seems to fit perfectly with the rose garden scene, of which the artists have reproduced in some fashion from old photos.

Some of those folks seen strolling the grounds in the mural are not just products of the artists’ imaginations — they’re real people. They include Kirk and Charlene Cowell of Palmyra, who take a walk each day on the canal trail through Newark, and have gotten to know the mural artists while on their daily jaunts. The two of them are depicted prominently in the rose garden scene.

Painted by team led by Mark DeCracker & James Zeger during the summer of 2018.


Mural Mania Website