Historic Sites

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Arcadia District 15 Schoolhouse - Minsteed

Historic Site #:01-080   (Gone)   Type: E3 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Arcadia District 15 Schoolhouse - MinsteedGPS Coordinates:43.1494885184215, -77.1203454415435
Address:5524 Martin Road, on the corner of Minsteed Road and Martin Road
Very little known about the Minstead School. The school closed very early and there is no date or addition information available about the school itself aside from its former location.

Description by John Trutt

Historic narrative:

General schoolhouse information:

Most children started school at age 5 and immediately entered first grade as there was no kindergarten in most rural schools. A grade typically ranged from 1 student to 4 or more. There were a variety of subjects taught at the schools including, “arithmetic, reading, writing, spelling, social studies, and other basic material … per the educational law.” When particular subjects were to be taught for specific grades. Students that were to take part were called to the front and students in other grades kept quiet and worked on other things in other parts of the room. Once a week, an afternoon would be dedicated to Bible studies with Miss Van Dusen. Miss Van Dusen used figures and a felt board depicting characters from different bible stories. She would also give out prizes occasionally for perfect attendance or for learning a specific number of verses from a book and chapter of the bible. There was also a recess period in which the students could play and eat. Each of the schools were heated by a wood or coal stove, which was the first thing the teacher would tend to when they arrived at the school. These stoves were also used to dry winter clothes.

Historical narrative compiled by John Trutt


Rue, Joyce De. “Rural Schools - a Thing of the Past.” The Courier-Gazette. September 1, 1983.

Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. "Arcadia [Township]; Arcadia Business Notices; New Ark Business Notices; Fairville [Village]; Newark [Village]" New York Public Library Digital Collections.