Historic Sites

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Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance

Historic Site #:01-064   (Exists)   Type: K2 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Newark-Arcadia Volunteer AmbulanceGPS Coordinates:43.060404, -77.098212
Address:301 Frey St. Newark NY

Founded on July 1, 1977 through the efforts of
three nurses from the Newark Wayne Community Hospital, it has evolved in recent
years from a largely volunteer based system to a paid career staff. 

Google MapsFrom Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web site
From Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web siteFrom Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web site
From Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web siteFrom Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web site
From Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web siteNewark Arcadia EMS YouTube Video
Historic narrative:
Mission Statement:

Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance, Inc. is an Emergency Medical Services agency, committed to providing the highest quality emergency care and transport available to the community, through our team of highly skilled professionals. Our members continually maintain the premier standard of excellence while keeping abreast of the ever-changing elements of our profession.​



Newark-Arcadia Ambulance web site

Google Maps

Newark Arcadia EMS YouTube Video