Historic Sites

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Beadle (aka Wiley) Cemetery

Historic Site #:11-010   (Exists)   Type: B1 Town:Savannah
Site Name:Beadle (aka Wiley) CemeteryGPS Coordinates:43.038127, -76.772662
Address:859 Hogback Road Savannah NY
14 Memorials

This cemetery's name is confusing. The first title is on the Wayne County Historian's cemetery location map for Savannah. The second title above is exactly what was on the typescript at the county historian's office. As we're not sure if it also goes by the name of Evans Corners Cemetery or Crusoe Cemetery, or if Crusoe is on it just to confirm location, we'd appreciate more savvy researchers enlightening us. Located southwest of Savannah, at Evans Corners, Savannah, just over line in Seneca County.

2005 Driving Directions - Rte. 31 East toward Savannah. Make right onto Hogback Rd. Cemetery is on the Right hand side of road just over Severence Rd.

Photo from Find a Grave Added by Daryl VerStreate. It appears this sign is no longer present.
Historic narrative:
For a list of people buried here, click this link:


Find a Grave web page

NYGENWEB Cemetery web page