Historic Sites

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T. Spencer Knight Canal Park

Historic Site #:01-044   (Exists)   Type: I1,K5 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:T. Spencer Knight Canal ParkGPS Coordinates:43.047787, -77.093984
Address:199 VanBuren Street, Newark
Located on Van Buren Street, T. Spencer Knight Park is located between the Veteran's Bridge (East Avenue) and the North Main Street Bridge.  The gazebo, benches and swings provide a beautiful resting spot for residents and visitors at the Canal Port.

Village of NewarkGazebo in the Park by Way Marking
Historic narrative:
The small gazebo is located in the Village of Newark, alongside the Erie Canal in a park named after one of Newarks prominent citizens, T. Spencer Knight. During the summer months, free concerts are held here weekly.


Village of Newark

Way Marking web site