Historic Sites

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Isaac Morrison Cobblestone house (blacksmith shop)

Historic Site #:07-018   (Exists)   Type: D1,H1 Town:Marion
Site Name:Isaac Morrison Cobblestone house (blacksmith shop)GPS Coordinates:43.152473, -77.182338
Address:4092 North Main St
Originally built as a blacksmith shop in 1852 and then converted into a house.
Cut stone corners and foundation.  Red lake washed cobbles start from the stone foundation which includes stone piers which is atypical construction. The front masonry is well matched, even rows of lake stone.

Photo by Bavis, 2014
Historic narrative:
Built in the 1850's but not by Mr. Morrison.  According to Mrs. H.T. Jeffery, Historian, Colonel William Prescott Chapter, D.A.R., Newark, NY 1940, Mr. Henry Allen lived here at one time.


Wayne Co NY Cobblestones Blogspot

Cobblestone Museum Blogspot

Cobblestone Quest by Rich & Sue Freeman, page 138