Historic Sites

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Gravino Park

Historic Site #:06-037   (Exists)   Type: K5 Town:Macedon
Site Name:Gravino ParkGPS Coordinates:43.069438, -77.292643
Address: 31 Rte 350 Macedon NY

Gravino Park in Macedon

Location: Route 31 Macedon, NY 14502

Open Dawn to Dusk
*Tennis Courts
*Basketball Court
*Picnic Tables
For more information call 315-986-7103

From Trip AdvisorFrom Trip Advisor
From Trip Advisor
Historic narrative:
Gravino Park is one of those places that is pretty deserted in the winter months, but comes alive with almost every sport imaginable in the summer. Behind the fence that lines Route 31 are playgrounds, baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, and more. The parking lot is filled with players and spectators alike, and the fields are always active with competitors.

If you can't find something to eat at the general stand, you can always backtrack to the park gate, where the same reliable hot dog truck has served red and white "hots" for decades. It may not be health food, but it sure tastes good!

Come by for some fun and good eats next summer. It's a great place to pass time and root for your kid's team.


Trip Advisor

Trip Advisor Review

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