Historic Sites

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Generations (Dobbins) Mural

Historic Site #:05-014   (Exists)   Type: H,J1 Town:Lyons
Site Name:Generations (Dobbins) MuralGPS Coordinates:43.063808, -76.992048
Address:52 William St. Lyons New York
The former plain façade of Dobbins Drug Store and the Olde Pharmacy Gift Shop is now Generations. Impressed by Corky and Chips’ unique artistic techniques and abilities, pharmacist Sean Dobbins commissioned them to create a permanent tribute to this heritage. The viewer looks through a 3-D “window” into an old fashioned apothecary starring his grandfather, founder Bill Dobbins, his father, G Winston Dobbins, who continued the family tradition and Sean himself, as a child, now a third generation Dobbins pharmacist.

Photo by Bavis, 2013
Historic narrative:

The former plain façade of Dobbins Drug Store and the Olde Pharmacy Gift Shop is now Generations. Impressed by Corky and Chips’ unique artistic techniques and abilities, pharmacist Sean Dobbins commissioned them to create a permanent tribute to this heritage. The viewer looks through a 3-D “window” into an old fashioned apothecary starring his grandfather, founder Bill Dobbins, his father, G Winston Dobbins, who continued the family tradition and Sean himself, as a child, now a third generation Dobbins pharmacist.

Artwork by Corky Goss and Chip Miller                                                    2007


Mural Mania web page

Generations Mural Dedication YouTube Video