Historic Sites

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Maxwell Settlement Cemetery

Historic Site #:12-189   (Exists)   Type: B1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Maxwell Settlement CemeteryGPS Coordinates:0., 0.
This cemetery contains the remains of at least 8 people who lived in the Maxwell Settlement. Respecting the privacy of the property owner, no location is given.

Black Community Plaque (Maxwell Settlement)

Photo courtesy of Bill Huff taken in the 1960s.
Historic narrative:
Known burials: Prime Courtright; Thomas Lloyd, his wife Rosetta and three of their children, Margaret, Betsy, Henrietta; two children of Mary Lee, Jane and William.


Miscellaneous Small Cemeteries in Sodus

Maxwell Settlement Cemetery – Rediscovering Our Past

Final Stop, Freedom: The Underground Railroad Experience in Wayne County, New York by Marjory Allen Perez, 2017.