Historic Sites

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Nicholoy - Justino

Historic Site #:01-132   (Exists)   Type: D10 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Nicholoy - JustinoGPS Coordinates:43.041474, -77.094013
Address:120 Grant St, Newark NY
According to the late Mrs. J.J. Smith, the Nicholoys built a rather small house, but as their family grew they built a second house around the first, giving five bedrooms and two small offices and bath on the second floor and on the first floor a large kitchen in the back, a dining room and reception room on the west side and two parlors on the east. The result of building over the old house makes interesting roof peaks.

Photo by JNP 20210112
Historic narrative:
The abstract for this home dates back to 31 August 1858 and the sale by Horace Blackmar and wife to Andrew J. Doane of Lot 26 in the old Button Farm.


Historic Homes In and Around Arcadia, Cecilia B Jackson (1982)

Newark Courier-Gazette article by Cecilia Jackson, 1 Nov 1979